Don Bosco Matriculation School – Ayanavaram




  • 1. Decorum
    The complete School uniform is compulsory (with shirts tucked in) on all class
    days and at school functions. Pupils should come to school clean and tidy. Their
    hair should be well trimmed and combed. The nails should be cut and clean. Boys
    with ear studs or ear rings will not be allowed. Students are permitted to wear
    colored dress on their birthday.
    2. Rule of Language
    The medium of instruction is English, which alone should be used at all times in
    the school premises.
    3. Discipline
  • The student’s behavior should be courteous and virtuous at all times and in all
    places both inside and outside the school.
  •  At the first bell for either session of the classes, all must move towards the
    place of assembly and remain at the allotted place in order and silence. A
    devout posture is expected from everyone during prayer.
  •  In the classroom, place is allotted to each pupil by the class teacher and no one
    may change it by himself. Likewise, no one may move from place to place or
    go out of the classroom, without proper permission.
  •  In the absence of the teacher, the class leader immediately takes charge of the
    class and reports the fact to the PRINCIPAL, through the assistant leader.
  •  Pupils are not permitted to remain in the class room except during class hours.
  •  Every pupil must possess the school handbook which must be brought to the
    school daily. If anyone loses it he should get a written authorization from the
    Principal to buy a duplicate handbook paying a special fine for his
  •  Collecting funds for any purpose without a written permission from the
    Principal is forbidden.
  • Chewing gum is banned in the School premises.
     Dyeing of hair, boys wearing earrings, sporting a beard / French beard and any
    form of undesirable hair style are strictly banned. Any student deliberately
    violating the rule will be suspended.
    (i) No student is allowed to drive a car or a motor cycle inside the school campus.
    (ii) Pupils are not allowed to talk to parents / visitors or to leave the school
    premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
    (iii) No presentation of gifts either by pupils or parents to teachers nor any
    demonstration of any sort towards the teachers may be done without the
    expressed permission of the Principal.
  • (iv)Dangerous or harmful games and amusements are strictly forbidden.
    (v) Pupils are not allowed to use the school address to receive letters, money
    orders etc. or other correspondence with special permission.
  • (vi) Students should not bring electronic gadgets like a mobile phone, tabs,
    laptops, electronic note books, camera, I-pod, memory stick, memory card,
    laser lights, CDs, and Magazines to the school.
  • (vii) Students are not allowed to bring whitener and marker to the school.
  • (viii) Speaking English is compulsory in the school campus. Defaulters will be
  • (ix) Students should strictly adhere to the rules and instructions given in the Labs /
    Library and observe absolute silence and be responsible towards the property.
  • (x) Any student involving in the following acts will be dismissed immediately
    from the school with appropriate T.C. indicating the reason for his / her
    removal on the very day.
    They are:
    i. Copying and helping others to copy and other malpractices such as altering marks
    and forging signatures.
    ii. Physical violence – fighting with other students, causing serious injures etc.
    iii. Smoking and other unhealthy practices that are punishable under Legal and
    Educational rules.
    iv. Stealing things inside and outside the school
    v. Groupism, cheating and other associated activities
  • vi. Teasing others especially
    outside school
  • vii. Use of vulgar language and indecent behaviour.
    viii.Possession of materials of low moral values (books, tapes,
    CDs etc.) 
  •  ix. Joining other clubs, courses and institutions outside of school
    without prior permission of the Principal.
    x. Absenting on important school functions without prior permission and refusing to
    participate in school programmes.
    xi. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and
    disrespect towards members of the staff, maligning staff and others.
    4. Punctuality and Attendance
    (a) Pupils must be on the premises at 8:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Pupils must be
    punctual for class on every working day. Late comers should not enter the
    class without the written permission of the Principal or the Teacher-in-charge.
    (b) All applications for leave should be made in writing duly signed by the parent
    or legal guardian of the pupil and should reach the Principal before the
    commencement of the class. Oral or phone messages will not be accepted.
    (c) Absence will be indicated in the Attendance Register in the following ways.
    i. Absence with prior permission will be marked as ‘L’ (LEAVE)
    ii. Absence due to being sick and student informed will be ‘S’ (SICK).
    iii. Absence without prior permission will be marked as ‘A’( ABSENT )
    Students are always expected to get prior permission for leave.
    (d) Students of Std X, XI and XII should meet the Principal along with their
    Parents for any leave approval.
    (e) Students of Std VI to IX should get the permission for leave from their
    respective vice principals for 1 or 2 days leave. For 3 or more consecutive
    days, the parent must meet the Principal with the Pupil.
    (f) Pupils who attend the Morning Session, should themselves obtain prior
    permission if they intend to absent themselves in the afternoon session. A
    letter from the parent is necessary for such leave. If the pupil falls ill during school hours, he / she will be allowed to call his / her parents with Principal’s
    permission to leave the school accompanied by the parent.
    (g) For any grave reason, if a pupil is absent without prior permission, on his / her
    return he / she must submit a letter from his parent / legal guardian, stating the
    reason for his/her absences and obtain permission before entering the class.
    (h) A student absenting himself / herself from the school for 5 days in succession
    (including Saturdays, Sunday and holidays preceding / succeeding / during the
    period of absence) without permission will be marked “LEFT”. He will not be
    re-admitted as a matter of course. If the absentee is re-admitted he will have to
    pay a fresh admission fee Rs.100/-
    (i) Absence on Parent’s Day/School Day Celebrations, Annual Day Celebrations,
    Class excursions / picnics, the opening and closing days of a Term or after
    special holidays like Summer,Michaelmas, Deepavali, Christmas, Pongal etc.
    is strictly not allowed and the pupil is liable to lose his place. If the absentee is
    re-admitted he will have to pay a fresh admission fee Rs.100/- In case of
    sickness the school authorities must be notified in time and a doctor’s
    certificate should be produced without fail.
    (j) If the student absents himself on exam days or monthly test days due to
    medical reasons, medical certificate must be produced.
    (k) Patents must meet the Principal on the same day when a student is absent
    during exam days.


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